Make it stand out

About  The Tav

Building community, healing hearts.

We love to serve people, help them connect to God, and then step aside as they engage with God directly.  We have a Sozo ministry for inner healing and emotional vibrancy, regular youth gatherings, intercessory prayer meetings, vacation bible schools in the summer, as well as training for faith-prenuers.  (People combining faith and entrepreneurship to solve problems in society).


Mariela, Sofia, Cameron
The Hubiak Family

Cameron & Mariela Hubiak are the founding pastors and leaders of TheTav.  

The journey of the Tav

Watch the video below to see the journey of The Tav as it went from an idea to a thriving community.

Why The Tav?

We discovered TheTav in Assisi, Italy. (Tau is the Greek version of the Hebrew word Tav).  We were on a spiritual pilgrimage.  And the cross was simply everywhere. We asked what the cross meant.  And the locals kindly explained St. Frances used it as his signature.  Frances was an interesting fellow.  He tamed wild wolves to save a city, met with Muslim sultans to foster peace.  The Tav cross we saw was pulsating with life, so we started to do some more digging…

What is the Tav …

TheTav is a mark. It used to look like the Christian cross.  It is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  Jesus is the Aleph Tav.  The beginning and the end. The first and the last. His life fulfilled all of God’s old testament promises. Jesus marked all of humanity.  He writes the script of our life. And has final editing rights.  

The Bible is riddled with TheTav. It’s everywhere. In ancient Hebrew, TheTav was in the shape of a cross. In Ezekiel 9, God tells Ezekiel, to put a mark (TheTav) on his forehead and he would be saved from death. So TheTav symbolizes Jesus’ life and power to save us. And we think that is just amazing. 

“Alone we can do so little.

Together we can do so much.”

—Helen Keller

Statement of Faith

In short, we believe the Bible is the word of God. It is His love letter to us and our compass for all things.  We believe in the Father, Son and Spirit. We believe that Jesus came to planet earth to live and break the power of death through his resurrection and illuminate the way to life and immortality.  1 Tim 1:10.  We believe that God can be known and experienced; that’s God’s life is greater than sin and death; that He still speaks today, still performs miracles, and that He loves us.  We believe that marriage is between one man and one woman. And that God creates us male and female.  We believe that God’s love and His life are the greatest force in the galaxy and that He can free anyone from anything, anytime, anywhere.  

For a detailed statement of faith, please click here

We’d love to meet you! Come and join us.